5 Health Benefits of a Glass of Red Wine

Lifestyle & Tips door thijs

If there is one thing in the world you love the most after chocolate, what would it be? For me, it would be wine and I think a lot of girls will agree with me. Unfortunately, I always have the feeling that wine isn't always as good for you. You can imagine my surprise when I found out red wine has a lot of benefits. Since wine is the favourite drink for a lot of women, I am going to lay it down for you. No more guilt tripping while your drinking your delicious grape beverage ladies!

First, let me tell you a little about the history of wine. Once upon a time, wine was considered as an healthy option. The ancient Egyptians and Romans used wine for health benefits and it even played a major role in medicine. Wine was considered as a way to disinfect wounds and drinking wine was seen as a means to maintain a healthy balance in the digestion system. It was only until the late 19th century that views changed about the consumption of wine. Because of the alcohol which is an inherent part of wine, governments and the people began to research the negative aspects of alcohol and what it can do to your body and brain. Of course, the results weren't always as positive concerning the effects of alcohol.

Nevertheless, recent studies provided more positive feedback about the consumption of red wine (such as the French Paradox). Nowadays, people recognize the healthy benefits red wine can have on the body. Since we love red wine and love to drink it in our favorite yoga pants, we summed up our 5 favourite health benefits red wine can have on your body and mind.

Red wine is...

1. Good for the heart

One of the ingredients in wine called resveratrol, which is an antioxidant. It has been proven to be a protector of your heart and arteries. For example, resveratrol battles cholesterol. This is a good thing, because it eventually improves your cardiovascular health. Moreover, research that has been done on the heart and the drinking of red wine shows that moderate drinkers of red wine are less susceptible to heart attacks.

2. Good for your teeth

Although red wine can make your teeth look like you've just slaughtered someone, the drink is actually good for your teeth. According to a study red wine fights certain bacterias and this helps to prevent cavities in your teeth.

3. Good for your immune system

A 2001 study illustrates that drinking wine is actually pretty good for your immune system. The results suggested that red wine may have a protective effect against a common cold. People who drink red wine are therefore less likely to get a cold. How awesome is that!?

4. Good for your mental health

Spanish study from 2013 even suggests that wine may prevent depression. For this research, they analyzed the participant's food intake and mental health. People who drank around an average of 7 glasses of red wine per week, were less inclined to have a depression. If you're feeling down, just drink that glass of wine you've been wanting to have!

5. Good for your eyesight

Wine incorporates a compound that is called resveratrol (yup, it's the same compound which makes wine good for your heart), it can also be said that wine is good for your eyes according to a study from 2010. Resveratrol stops the growth of blood vessels. 'Why is that important?' you might think. Well, the growth of blood vessels will decrease your eyesight.

So sit back, relax and drink your favourite beverage with pleasure. However, as it goes for everything, moderation is key. These research results were only applicable if a particapant moderately drank wine. For women, doctors suggest one glass of red wine a day. That's why I want to introduce a new motto:

A glass of wine a day, keeps the doctor away!


Sources used:





Robinson, J., ed. (2006). The Oxford Companion to Wine (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. p. 433.

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