Protein powders and how they work

Fit & Training door thijs

As a Fit Chick you're probably familiar with healthy foods and super foods to include in your diet, though the world of protein and more specifically protein powder might be slightly confusing at first. We got a question from fan Ana asking us what kind of protein powder would be right for her, and we figured more Fit Girls would be wondering about this. That' s why we've broken down some of the most common types of protein powders and how they work for you! 

Whey Concentrate

This is one of the most basic forms of protein powder out there as well as one of the most common types of protein found on supplement sites or stores. This is a great choice for beginners and people who are looking to add more protein in their diet. This is essentially good, as protein helps you reduce fat and grow your strength, reduce huger, fight cancer cells, cope with stress and improve your immune system. Out of the various types of protein powder on the market, whey concentrate is one of the cheapest forms available.  This powdery substance can be used both pre and post workout and even as an in between snack, though it's not preferred to be used at night.

Casein Protein

If you are looking for a protein that will slowly breakdown over the course of several hours, that you can use as a meal, or better yet right before you go to bed then casein is the one for you! It also has a creamier consistency than other protein powders as well.  Casein takes anywhere from 5-7 hours to fully breakdown which keeps your body absorbing and utilizing the nutrients even while you sleep. People also use casein during the day to help stay full and to keep a constant supply of protein in your body to supply the muscles with proper nutrition for hours after drinking the shake. This is the stuff you wanna go with to build more muscle but not the only thing to include in your diet. 

Whey Isolates

These are one of the quickest absorbing proteins out there, and are the ideal choice for people who follow a low carb diet. This is because the formulas available on the market have very low - if any - carbohydrates (sugars). This type of protein works well both pre and post workout and has the ability to provide your muscles with all the nutrients necessary for them to help  recover and grow! You will most likely find this type of protein in mixed designed to help you loose weight, without loosing muscle. 

Hydrolysate Protein

This baby is the best quality protein you can possibly find but also comes with a matching price tag. It provides highly absorbable peptides that can have a great anabolic effect (highest absorption rate of the proteins available).Hydrolysate protein is also much better on the digestive system compared to whey concentrates, less bloated-ness or gassy symptoms and is (much like the above) suitable for pre and post workout shakes.

Soy Protein

This is a good source of protein for vegetarians! This is a useful source of protein and comes with many benefits to its user. It is loaded with glutamine (to help with recovery),arginine (help dilate blood vessels to allow nutrition to get into the muscles quicker), and  BCAA's (help with recovery). Soy supports a healthy cholesterol profile due to the isoflavones found in the product. Some research shows that it can boost thyroid hormone output. By doing so, it speeds up your metabolism which aids in fat loss. This type of protein can be used both pre and post workout or anytime throughout the day if you feel like having a snack or meal replacement that's high in protein.

Milk Protein Isolate

Milk protein isolates contain both casein and whey proteins. If you check out the label on protein bars, yogurt, cereal bars or sports recovery drinks, you may see the ingredient "milk protein isolate." This substance is a concentrate that provides the same proteins found in fresh milk. Milk protein adds a high-quality boost of amino acids (similar to soy protein) to these products that helps you gain or maintain lean muscle, increases feelings of fullness and enhances their texture.

And of course you'll need an awesome bottle to drink your protein shakes from! Be sure to go to our webshop and get the #FITGIRLCODE bottle!

Using protein shakes will not make you gain weight in the sense of "getting fatter" but it will help you get more lean and stronger. Remember, muscle is heavier than fat, so don't get scared by what your scale might point to! You can read more about the effects of protein powder here.  Was this helpful for you in deciding the type of protein powder to go for?