Eating healthy on a full time job

Food & Recipes door thijs

Since a few months I have a full time job - before I could manage my own time, and eating healthy was pretty easy. However, long days at the office can lead to some unhealthy eating/snacking habits. I've developed a routine that helps me eat healthy during the week and I want to share it with you! 

Let me start with by saying: food prepping is key. For me this is crucial because this keeps me motivated during the week; I won't be tempted to go to the cafeteria or to step by the vending machine. Read more about food prepping here.


For breakfast I almost always take quark with oats and nuts and superfoods with me to work. I prepare this every night for the next day and eat it at the office, because this saves me a lot of time in the morning (read: staying in bed longer haha). Overnight oats are an amazing timesaving solution in the morning! An other idea is to make breakfast muffins or pancakes in the weekend, or when you have a microwave at the office, keep some oats and cinnamon at your desk so you can prepare oatmeal in the morning! If you're not really a breakfast person you can make smoothies in the weekend and freeze them. This is also a nice idea for snacking!


When cooking Sunday's dinner, I also cook for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. On Wednesday I cook for Thursday and Friday. On Sunday I mostly bake sweet potato (because this takes some more time and effort) and cook or grill some veggies. Then I add some protein like (often smoked - I am really lazy sometimes) chicken, chickpeas, turkey, tuna, salmon or eggs, and I add half an avocado often. On Wednesday I cook some rice or pasta and again add veggies and protein. You could also cook on Sundays for the whole week when you have less time and freeze your meals.


Because I had "dinner" for lunch, I usually eat something quick to make in the evening. I like making quick salads or chopping up some veggies and eat them raw with some hummus, cottage cheese and rice or bulgur (you could cook this in the weekend so you have enough for the whole week). Or I warm up soup, make some pancakes or just eat a bowl of quark with muesli and fruit or oatmeal (I LOVE breakfast-for-dinners/brinners. Nothing beats that!).


At the office I keep protein powder sachets, a shaker, a bag of nuts, dried fruit and some (protein) bars at my desk. These won't go bad (like fruit will) and this way I always have healthy options and I don't need to go to the vending machine to get something to snack - and gawd, when I see chocolate...

I hope this helps! Do you have more useful tips and tricks on eating healthy on a full time job? Let me know!


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