20 tips to ROCK 2015 -part 1 /4

Fit & Training door thijs

Twelve months. Fifty two weeks. Three hundred & sixty five days. Eight thousand, seven hundred & sixty hours: one year! Make 'THEM COUNT! 2014 was amazing, but let's ROCK 2015 even better! 20 tips to help you set your goals for next year! In part 1 I will share the first 5.

1. Daydream away...

Did you know that we spend 30 to 50% of our time daydreaming? Waste of our time? Definitely not! Daydreaming helps us creating this feeling of consistency between our experiences from the past, the present and the future. It gives us the chance to prepare challenges or evaluate experiences we had and look at them from a different perspective. It also helps us controlling our emotions because when you evaluate a situation, conversation or event, we can rationalize it better. But even more, daydreaming stimulates our creativity and therefore provides solutions to problems that cross our paths. This is why tip number 1 is to daydream away.

Find the time once a day to let your mind free and thoughts running through your head. This could be during your morning or after work-out shower, while you are doing a number 2 in the bathroom ;) , a walk around the block or when travelling by train, take the time to look out of the window and daydream away.

2. Be silly

I always try to make a fool out of myself ;) Why? Because sometimes we need to remind ourselves, not to take life so seriously. Laughing is good for you and especially if you can make others laugh. It will give you a good feeling. I’m not saying that you should make a complete fool out of yourself by going to the gym dressed like a sexy pineapple but if you feel that your colleagues or fellow students are being too serious, drop a funny voice, sing if you can’t or just do a stupid dance to release the tension in the air. Trust me, it will work! :D And you will save the day!

3. Don’t be so hard on yourself, you are amazing

 Women are known for their perfection. And sometimes we even set goals for ourselves that are not realistic. It’s good to have goals or strive to do good at work or in the gym BUT don’t be so hard on yourself. If you experience that you need a cheat day and have a chocolate diet, have one. Tomorrow will be another day to continue your healthy food pattern. If you want to lose weight or get stronger, have the patience to reach this goal. Of course you need discipline in order to reach your goals but never forget that you are already amazing and especially since you are working on developing yourself. So tip number 3: Remind yourself that it’s okay not to be perfect!

4. Be grateful

Appreciate the small things in life. Us humans always strive to have more, live bigger lives and experience milestones all the time. But did you know that people who appreciate the small things in life are happier? For example; appreciate the fact the sun shines today, that the hot Starbucks guy makes you a nice cup of coffee ;), you can cycle your cute ass to work or school etc. If you are aware of these small things in your life and appreciate them, you’ll notice we have more happy thoughts. Which will make you a happier person and show your beautiful smile to the rest of the world. In order for you to don’t forget your blessings you can write them down. Buy yourself a “little book of  "AWESOME!” and take the time, before you go to bed for example, to write down what small things you appreciated that day. It really works, I can’t stop smiling :D

5. Say NO to sh*t you hate

I guess we all know what it feels like saying YES to something which we hate doing like our burpees in the gym (but do them anyway ;) ). But somehow we end up doing sh*t we hate more than we think and commit to these obligations for the wrong reasons. In order to rock 2015 we need to say NO more often. Why? Because to figure out who we are and to build a joyful life that makes us Fit Girls most happy and inspired, we need to learn what we don’t like and how to stay away from it. So we can stop agreeing to things that don’t excite us (besides practicing your push-ups ;) ), we can make room for the thing’s which makes us happy.

So when we prefer to stay in rather than go out, stay in and be a couch potato! Stop being friends with your ex or hang out with a “friend” who makes you feel sh*tty and don’t apologize (forgive and forget) for being honest or if someone hurts your feelings. Tip number 5: By saying “NO thank you” you break this habit where we allow other people to take decisions for us. Fit Girls are power women and we know what we want.

Next week I will share the next 5 tips of the 20. So stay tuned and in the meanwhile think about your New Years resolutions for 2015!

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