Honey hair treatment for healthy & shiny hair

These days a lot of people are committed to eating healthy. But what about the products you put ON your body, like shampoo, body lotion and deodorant? I discovered that all the beauty products we use on a daily basis contain a lot of ingredients we know nothing about. Most of the ingredients are no good. So I did a little research for healthy alternatives. I found some beauty product in the most natural way possible. It got me really curious and now I somewhat addicted to try new things. The latest thing I tried is putting honey in my hair instead of artificial shampoo.
The 'No Poo' movement
The more natural the better, is my opinion. A year ago I started trying bicarbonate (baking soda) to wash my hair with. My hair got a bit rough and dull, but clean. I wanted to try something new, so I decided to try pure honey to wash my hair with. What I read on the internet got me really curious. Normal shampoo is actually designed to clean you scalp of sebum. But did you know that your hair gets greasier the more you wash it? Daily washing may cause the oils to be stripped too quickly, encouraging them to come back even oilier to make up for the loss. If you have naturally greasy hair, it's recommended that you only wash it every 2-3 days. Wanna know more about this subject? Try searching on the internet for ‘no poo’. You’ll find lots of information.
Shiny & clean hair
So, how does it work? Make sure you get real natural honey (no sugar, water or preservatives) for your hair treatment. I used organic honey from a beekeeper. Put one tablespoon of honey in an empty bottle or cup and add a few spoons of hot (if you use cold water it doesn’t blend well) and stir. Poor the mixture over your head and massage your scalp easily. No need to wet your ends, the water and honey will run down automatically. Leave it in your hair for a couple of minutes. Rinse your hair carefully. You don’t need to use conditioner anymore. The result: shiny and clean hair!
I washed my hair with honey for quite some time now, but I don’t want to state yet that this is the best way to treat your hair. First I want to try out other natural products. Although, if you want to experiment with natural products, honey or baking soda are good ones to start with. Please share your experience with me! I am really curious to hear your opinion about it! One more tip: try extra vergine coconut oil as body lotion. It makes your skin super soft and smooth!
Share your tips and tricks for shiny and healthy hair! Everything is welcome ;)