The Importance Of A Good Gut Microbiome

Did you know that your body is home to trillions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi? Some are good, while others can be bad. These microorganisms are also known as the gut microbiome. For your gut to be considered healthy, there has to be a good balance between the microorganisms in your gut.
Your gut biome has a huge bearing on your overall health. In this article, you'll discover the importance of having a good gut microbiome.
What Is The Gut Microbiome?
The microorganisms in your body are commonly known as microbes. They live in your large intestines in a section called the cecum, and collectively, they’re referred to as the gut microbiome.
Of all the microbes in your gut, bacteria are said to be the most beneficial. It's believed that your body has about 10 trillion more bacterial cells than human cells. Some studies have suggested that there are up to a thousand different bacteria species in your body, and each species is believed to play a unique role in the body. While there are bacteria species that may be harmful to your body, most are said to be essential for your health.
In order for you to have a healthy gut biome, your body has to contain more healthy microbes than harmful ones. If the bad bacteria overwhelm the good ones, then your health could be at risk. Therefore, you have to check your gut microbiome every once in a while to keep your body in tip-top shape. For more information on how you can go about doing that, you can check out the websites of companies such as My Psomagen.
The Gut Microbiome’s Impact On The Body
Your gut microbiome is said to affect your body right from the moment you're born and continues to do so throughout your life. It's believed to control digestion as well as various body processes, the central nervous system, and the immune system.
It's been suggested that without the gut biome, you wouldn't be able to survive. Some studies have cited that babies come into contact with microbes for the first time when they pass through their mother’s birth canal during delivery. On the other hand, other studies suggest that you could’ve been exposed to some microbes while in your mother's womb.
As babies grow older, it's believed that their gut microbiome starts to diversify. This means it starts to contain various types of bacterial species. Some health experts have noted that the more diverse your microbiome, the better your overall health.
How The Gut Biome Improves Health
Your gut microbiome is believed to contribute to certain aspects of or processes in your body, including the following:
- Digesting Breast Milk
The first bacteria that normally grow inside the large intestines of babies are known as bifidobacteria. These are believed to help with the breakdown and absorption of healthy sugars in breast milk. This helps with the overall growth of babies. Without bifidobacteria, it would be difficult to digest breast milk, which could possibly lead to stunted growth and development.
- Digesting Fiber
There are some bacteria species in the gut that feed on fiber. They help with the digestion of that particular carbohydrate, which produces some short-chain fatty acids essential for your gut health and the prevention of conditions like heart disease and diabetes. Fiber is also believed to be essential in weight loss and reducing the risk of cancer.
- Helping Control Your Nervous System
Some research has suggested that the gut microbiome could also affect your central nervous system. The gut microbiome is said to produce chemicals that may affect your brain health.
- Helps With Weight Control
Some studies have suggested that an imbalance of healthy and unhealthy microbes, also called gut dysbiosis, could lead to weight gain. If you're overweight, you could risk suffering from conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. It's advisable to ensure a good gut microbiome, which aids in digestion and weight control.
- Improves Gut Health
A healthy gut microbiome is said to help improve gut health in general by working with the intestinal cells to digest the right foods and prevent bad bacteria from thriving. If bad bacteria proliferate, they could cause diseases like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
- Helps Improve Your Immune System
The gut microbiome is said to have the ability to communicate with the immune cells in your body. They may also help control your body's response to infections.
There are many different ways your gut microbiome can influence the key bodily functions and ultimately impact your overall health. You have to take care of it and ensure that it’s healthy by eating foods that promote good gut bacteria. After all, they say your food should be your medicine, and your medicine should be your food.