8 tips to stay focused on your goals

Fit & Training door thijs

Every Fit Girl has goals that she wants to achieve. Not only in the fit, healthy and work-out department, but also throughout life. I like to work towards goals, only sometimes life challenges me and I loose focus. These 8 tips to stay focused on your goals come in handy when you are loosing track of them, like me sometimes ;)

Surfing on the internet, I came across an article of Celestine Chua. Celestine Chua is a life coach and founder of Personal Excellence, where she shares her best advice on how to achieve personal excellence and live your best life. Awesome right? Well I guess we can always use some inspiration and motivation in that department so bring it on! :D

TIP NR. 1 - Concentrate on 1 - 3 goals
This makes sense. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I become a master of setting goals in all different departments. Like in my work, study, fit journey, the healthy department, improving my workout skills and don’t get me started on the challenges I like to take on. Sounds familiar? YEAH! ;) So I guess this tip is good to try out. Celestine Chua advises to pick 1 - 3 goals that are most important to you, and stick to them, before you set new goals. Unless priorities shift and these goals no longer reflect what you want in life. GOOD POINT!

TIP NR. 2 - Create a vision board
So okay. We get creative! I like that! A vision board is a collage of pictures and images that represent your goals and dreams. According to Celestine Chua, creating a vision board helps you to visualize your end goals more clearly, which inevitably inspires you to take consistent action. Also think of it as a reminder. You can go old-school and get a board, pile of magazines and scissors or use your social media. Like a lot of girls are doings nowadays. You might end up inspiring others which is a great motivator to achieve your goals, since the “world”  is watching you ;) no pressure! haha :D

TIP NR. 3 - Create milestones
This sounds like a good plan. For example if you would like to run 10k from scratch, it’s good to have milestones. Like celebrate if you can run 5k without walking during this distance. Or keeping the same pace and then you can train for your personal record time.
Breaking up a big goal into smaller goals is very helpful. I do the same with my studies. Since I am a part-time student, it will take me twice as long to get my Master degree. That’s why I work from exam to exam instead of thinking about the 43 exams I still have to pass. Which will take me the next 6 years of my life! (being optimistic here) haha ;)

TIP NR. 4 - Create a plan
HA! This is something I always do! How about you Fit Girls? If you have worked out a plan of how you are going to reach your goal(s), it becomes much easier to stick to. This sounds way easier than in real-life. Sometimes my work out plan ends under a pile of everything-in-life-that’s-more-fun but we should try to stick to our plan. Because if we follow the actions planned for the day, we will achieve our goals. Celestine Chua mentions that the best time to work out your plan is when you set your goal. Because that’s when your motivation is at its highest.

TIP NR. 5 - Track your results
This is why before and after pictures of your beautiful body, work like crazy for giving you motivation! You see the difference and that will keep you motivated. Tracking your results is also good to let you know whether you are on track or off track. Depending on your goal, you can measure your goal daily, weekly or monthly.

TIP NR. 6 - Have goal buddies, a BFFF (Best Fit Friend Forever) or support system
Reaching goals together is way more FUN! Like Fit Girl Lisanne and I study together sometimes. And my boyfriend became my BFFF, challenging each other in the workout department ;) So find yourself a goal buddy, BFFF or support system because they remind you about your goal, motivate you when you feel unmotivated, give you new ideas on how to achieve your goal and keep you on track. WOW, so many benefits. So do try this at home! ;)

TIP NR. 7 - Be clear on why you’re pursuing your goals
Nothing is more annoying than giving up on your goals. In the long run it will affect your self-confidence and belief that you can accomplish goals in general. Before you set a goal, make sure it’s realistic, that you are serious about achieving this goal so that regardless of the obstacles, you won’t give up!

TIP NR. 8 - Learn to say no
We all know that saying NO to daily requests from friends, family and other people is way more difficult than it seems. Before we know it we say YES, and therefore say NO to ourselves and postponing achieving our goals. I’m not saying you should say NO to every request but keep in mind that if you say YES too often you will end up saying NO towards yourself too much. Now say it, NO, NO, NO, NO! Try it! Say NO a few times in a row ;) Voilá!


source: dumblittleman.com (tips for life)

If you have more tips on how we can stay focused on our goals, don’t hesitate do leave them in de comments below! We would love to get inspired by YOU!