9 Tips to finish what you started

Fit & Training door thijs

Do you have a habit of starting projects, but not finishing them? If so, you are not the only one. Many people have a habit of starting projects but not finishing them, which is a very bad practice. But YEAH, us Fit Girls and Guys are used to challenges in the gym so we can most definitely turn this habit into a positive practice! :D So let’s start by sharing these 9 tips on how to finish the projects you start!

Most of the time it’s not your enthusiasm or motivation that will prevent you from finishing what you started. Your enthusiasm is one of the main reasons why you invested your time and energy into a new project, or when you change your idea into a battle plan. NO, most of the time it is the first bump in the road, as you are trying to run across your project-journey, like you’re in a running contest and didn’t anticipate you needed to jump or run back a few times to take a different direction to reach your goal.

Because those bumps are not much fun and you start to realize your project or idea is a bit more complicated and challenging than the 30 DAY FULL BODY CHALLENGE ;) your enthusiasm fades away like your muscles if you skip your work-outs for two weeks.

And that’s where it goes wrong… you lose your motivation and start making excuses not to continue this road, like faking a busy schedule, be a lazy mermaid or start a new project or challenge. So what is it you need to know and think about if you want to finish what you’ve started?

Continue reading on the next page.

9 Tips to finish what you started

#1. Take on only one project or challenge at a time (like doing the Ab Challenge, Full body Challenge and three times a week a CrossFit training might be a bit too much)

If you keep starting with new projects or challenges, you will first of all drive yourself crazy, but doing this will also set you up for failure. That's why you need to make choices. Once you've made your choice, stick to it. Don’t start or continue working on a new project. Focusing on one project saves a lot of energy; you will be more productive and keep good overview. So resist starting a new project while working on another awesome idea. Write down your new idea so you don’t forget it, and start after finishing your current project.

#2. Make a project plan or work layout (like the work-out on the board in the gym – you know it’s going to be hard, you are going to sweat and work you ass off, but you know exactly what's coming up)

Before you can start a new project or challenge you need to know what it is you need to do. This will help you to make your project successful. For example; consulting resources for more information, clear your schedule to make time for your new project and plan in the activities with deadlines. Thinking over your strategy will help you to have a badass game plan, which will lead to success. Also, schedule a moment of evaluation during the execution of your project or challenge. Perhaps circumstances have changed or it appears that you need more time. It is perfectly okay to change your game plan along the way if your project will benefit from it.

#3. Anticipate bumps in the road (like those damn double unders with your jumping rope, it won’t just happen without failing the first 100 times)

Starting a new project is easy, especially because a new project or challenge doesn’t have bumps in the road yet. Be aware of the fact that starting a new project or challenge is easier than finishing one. Prepare yourself for some setbacks along the way. If you overcome these you'll have so much more satisfaction in the end.

#4. Dare your challenges (like not having a cheat day every day of the week)

Enjoy these bumps in the road, see them as a learning process so you can adjust your game plan or anticipate at them in your next project or challenge. You know that if you push through these challenges, at the end of the road you will feel fantastic, having accomplished and reached your goal. You could even reward yourself every time you overcome a bump in the road. Give yourself new badass workout gear or make yourself a healthy snack. In other words BE PROUD for continuing and everything you’ve done so far! :D

#5. Stop being a perfectionist (like being a unicorn on fire all the time)

How many of us keep delaying work because we want to make it better and better? Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about getting the best output and results, but if your perfectionism is preventing you to finish your project or accomplish your challenge you need to overthink your strategy. So break up your project into smaller pieces and work on them individually instead of wanting to do whole project perfect all at once.Tell yourself it’s okay to make mistakes or fail a few times, because this is part of the process. And give yourself a time limit for every task within your project or challenge so your perfectionism doesn’t prevent you from finishing your project or even quitting your challenge.

#6. Commit to it (like every time you start your reps of burpees)

Don’t make excuses, commit to your project or challenge once you have started. Only if you come to a point when you realize that your project does not benefit you in any way, or if your challenge is not for you and making you totally unhappy, then give yourself the option to quite your game plan. Otherwise hold yourself to your word and challenges. Take tips 1 until 5 into account before you decide you are wasting your time and it really isn’t working out.

#7. Track your progress and path of accomplishments (like your before and after selfies on Instagram)

If you are aware of your accomplishments while reaching your goals it will motivate you finishing your project or challenge. Tracking your process will show you how you are doing and give you these small targets to accomplish while working towards your end goal. It will make the process easier and it also lifts up your spirits.

#8. Carry your end goal and vision with you at all times (like the quote: a year from now you will wish you had started today)

Whenever you start a challenge, you determine a goal, like: being able to run 10 k or become fit and strong. In the beginning you'll be full of energy and enthusiasm but along the way this energy and enthusiasm could fade away. Once the road towards your goal gets bumpy, you might lose sight of your intial goal. You might  hit a plateau or your not making progress fast enough. Struggles and lack of motivation make you wonder why you started this challenge or project in the first place. That’s when quitting your project or challenge sounds really tempting. Try to prevent to come to this point by always keeping your goal in sight and reminding yourself of it. You could do this by surrounding yourself with anything that reminds you of your end goal or get inspired by other people, projects, brands, and communities. Things like these keep you motivated and give you new insights.

#9. Celebrate when finished (like when you know your abs are there but your body decides not to show them yet. You acknowledge them anyway ;) )

Finally you’ve finished your project, accomplished your challenge or executed your fabulous idea! YEAH! Now what….? YOU CELEBRATE WITH GLITTERS AND CHERRIES ON TOP! :D
For being awesome, badass, stronger, for not quitting and believing in yourself! Don’t just act like it’s nothing for you to finish what you have started. You need to be proud and acknowledge that. Because that feeling at the end, when you overcome what seems impossible… will be your motivation for the next time!

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