Banana ice cream

Food & Recipes door thijs

Summer is coming! So, of course some refreshment is more than welcome. And what is better than having some ice cream? Well, ice cream made of bananas!

Why bananas are awesome
Bananas are my favorite fruit; they’re rich in potassium and magnesium (which is great for your muscles), give loads of energy (another reason why they’re a great sport-snack!), and they can even make you happy because they stimulate the production of serotonin! They’re not just really good for you; they’re also really yummy. And they make awesome ice cream!

How to make banana ice cream?

  • Make sure that your bananas are ripe and spotty; if they’re not, you could experience some uncomfortable bloating after eating them!
  • Chop them up and put them in the freezer.
  • Next day, put them in your food processor or blender.
  • If you have a strong food processor or blender, add no liquid for best results. Otherwise, use some almond or coconut milk or water, to make it more ‘blendable’. You could also take the bananas out of the freezer 10 minutes before making your ice cream.
  • That’s it! If your ice cream has become too liquid, you can put it in the freezer for a little while.


This makes some serious superduperyummy banana ice cream. But, sometimes I like to give it that little extra something...

For example…

Mix it up with other fruit flavours;

  • Make mango ice cream by adding frozen mango!
  • Add frozen mixed berries or frozen raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, cherries, or blueberries to make delicious berry ice cream.
  • This list can go on and on; for example, what about pineapple, persimmon, peach or papaya ice cream? 


Add some crunch;

  • Try some dried fruits like figs, apricots, raisins, gojiberries or mulberries. Chewy date chunks are my personal favourite.
  • Stirr in some nuts, like walnuts, pecans or pistachios. Or seeds like pumpkinseeds and sunflowerseeds.
  • Or what about some homemade granola?


Mix in a tablespoon of superfoods;

  • Raw cacao powder will make chocolate ice cream! Yes, I know, a healthy 2-ingredient chocolate ice cream!
  • Maca will give you great energy and a nice tangy flavour.
  • Matcha will make your ice cream slightly less sweet and gives it a subtle green tea flavour.
  • Don't like the taste of spirulina, chlorella or wheatgrass, but do want to get the health benefits? Add a teaspoon to your banana ice cream and disguise the taste of those green superfoods.
  • A tablespoon of açai will give your banana ice cream a gorgeous colour and a fresh, slightly tropical taste.


Or even add some veggies and greens!

  • Beetroot will give your ice cream a gorgeous pink colour and a nice earthy flavour.
  • Some handful of fresh mint leaves and a drop of mint oil for awesome mint ice cream (great with raw cacao nibs).

Have fun making your healthy banana ice creams!! What is your favourite? Don’t forget to show all your beautiful creations by using the hashtag #fitgirlcode ! And check out my Instagram account for more delicious recipes! 

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