Easter Miyogi

Food & Recipes door thijs

Easter is on its way! One of the best moments during Easter are the delicious breakfasts. Boiled eggs, toast, a nice cup of tea and maybe a Miyogi! Surprise your friends and family with this cute yogurt recipe in the morning. Easter Miyogi

Eggs in your yogurt?

That's right! The yellow circle you see in this miyogi is the yolk mixed with half
a cup of white chocolate protein powder. It brings this amazing creamy and sweet taste to the yogurt (a little bit like custard!).

The use of eggs during Easter goes way back into human history. Giving Easter eggs is a Christian custom to celebrate life. It is related to the resurrection of Christ. During spring there are a lot of new born animals, the sun is shining longer and longer.. I'd say bring on those easter eggs and let's celebrate life!

Easter Miyogi: What do you need?

- 1 cup of blueberries

- 1/2 apple

- 1 egg yolk

-2 tbl spoons of Omega seed mix

-2 tbl spoons of Impact whey protein (flavour: white chocolate)

-1 tbl spoon of honey

-5 to 10 nuts by choice (hazelnuts, almondswalnuts or a mix :D)

How to make an Easter Miyogi?

Starting by taking your bowl and putting the nuts, apple, honey and half of your blueberries on the bottom. Add the yogurt so that it will be a surprise for your guest when they start mixing their yogurt (oh boy oh boy there are nuts in it!!!). The rest of the blueberries are used to decorate the top (i mixed them together so that it became a bit liquid and more fun to "paint" with. Now.. Take the egg yolk and mix it together with the protein powder until it becomes a nice smooth and creamy texture (add more powder if you want the flavour to become sweeter and stronger). Now start painting!! You can decorate your Miyogi with the omega seed mix, the yolk mix and blueberries. I think mine turned out like something that looks like a sunrise  or at least I like to think of it that way ;)

I love to share my recipes and stories with and it makes me really happy to see what you do with the recipes yourself!


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