Five plank variations for a killer core

Fit & Training door thijs

Are you tired of planking while counting down the seconds? Try these five variations that will make your muscles burn in no time. I promise you won't get you bored within the first 10 seconds.

When you have never done a plank before I suggest you start with the basic plank. You can read all about in my Back to Basics: Plank. If you managed to do this: head over to the variations below that will make you muscles burn even more!

1) Plank with shoulder tap
From a standard plank position, reach your right hand to touch your left shoulder. Put it back down and repeat with your left hand tapping your right shoulder. Yes, now you look like doing the Macarena, Hey! Stay as stable as possible while doing this. Don’t swing your hips side to side. You can pretend there is a glass of water on you back. Stay focused!

2) Side plank pulses
Starting in standard plank position, bring your legs together until your heels touch. Lean to your left while lifting your right arm up toward the ceiling until you are balanced on one hand. You can keep your arm up or you can put it on your hip if you want to. Find out what works best for you.
When you’re in this position, slowly move your hips up and down. You don’t have to come all the way down to the floor but try to reach as far as possible so your muscles will feel some extra tension.

3) Plank hip dips
From standard plank position slowly dip both hips to the right side. Go down as far as is comfortable without touching the floor. Lift back up to a plank and repeat on the other side. This one is an advanced plank variation so if you are able to do this: good job!

4) Plank Jacks
Start in a standard plank with your legs together. Jump your feet out as if you were doing a horizontal jumping jack. Jump your feet back together. If jumping is too tough you can always start by walking your legs out one at a time. Here, take this free advice: do NOT try to add jumping jack arms because gravity wins!

5) Superman plank
Start in a standard plank. Extend your left arm and right leg at the same time. This asks for some coordination! You will feel your core burn because your body is trying to stay balanced. Alternate sides while doing this exercise. 


You can do these exercises in almost any situation. Alone, together or with a group for some competitive fun. You can use your surroundings or equipment to make them more or less intense.  At the gym, outdoor, at home or on your holidays: planking is always a good idea!

Photocredits by FALSUMiD: | Facebook | Instagram

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