Green Hulk Spinach Soup

Food & Recipes door roos FG

Today I wanted to share my Green Hulk Spinach Soup. It's a super easy and delicious soup, packed with vitamins, fibers and flavor. It's sooo delicious and people will think you spent forever in the kitchen. Don't tell anyone: this soup is made from scratch in 15 minutes!


- Blender or stick blender
- Soup pan

Ingredients (4-6 portions):

- 400 grams of fresh spinach leaves
- 200 grams of fresh green peas
- 1 liter broth of choice (beef or vegetable are my favorites for this soup)
- 2 spring onions, in small rings
- 1 clove of garlic, squeezed
- 1 tablespoon oil (I used coconut oil)
- 100 ml almond milk (unsweetened!)
- hand of fresh parsley
- Optional for decoration: A mixture of seeds and nuts, plus extra spring onions


Stir fry the spring onions with the oils in a soup pan for 3 minutes. Add the garlic and fry for one more minute. Add the beans and broth. Simmer for 12 minutes on a low heat, until the beans are tender. Add the spinach leaves in small portions, together with the almond milk. Use a (stick) blender to blend everything into a smooth soup.

That's it!! Decorate your soup with extra parsley and a mixture of seeds and nuts. It will look gorgeous and add extra nutritional value! Please share your Green Hulk Spinach Soup with us on Instagram! Don't forget to tag me, @fitgirlroos. I always love reposting the pictures of other Fit Girls! :)

Hope you enjoy this recipe!
Have a great day,
