How to do pull ups

Fit & Training door thijs

Do you Fit Girls still remember the pull up? For many of us one of the hardest exercises out there. And because of this reason dreaded, neglected or forgotten to involve in their sport regimen.  Well I’m here to remind y’all that this move isn’t going anywhere and neither are you!

So come on, get your act together and get ready to rumble...

How to start your pull up journey?
Well, if you’re a beginner, and don’t have a gym buddy, try to do an assisted pull up first.
You don’t need the help of another human being to get you started. So…that’s another excuse that’s going out of the window.

All you need are:

  1. A step (up)/ box to get you at a certain height.
  2. A resistance band, that makes it possible for you to be assisted while executing the exercise.
    They come in a range of thickness standing for maximum or minimal assistance.



Why incorporate the pull up in your weekly workout schedule?
Well because of the following benefits:

  1. Convenience: you can do pull ups almost everywhere. All you need is a bar and your own body :-)
  2. Targeting multiple muscle groups: They do a great job targeting the back and biceps
  3. Easily increasing intensity to your workout: you can variate with this by attaching some weights to your ankle, or strapping a weight plate on your waist.
  4. Many variations: There isn’t just one pull up: getting bored isn’t an option :-)
  5. Grip strength: Strengthening your grip is what pull ups are good for. You’ll notice this in relation to your deadlifts and kettlebell swings!! Pay extra attention to this (improvement) during your pull up journey :-).


Hopefully you’re inspired to pull up and go #beastmode on this move. I’d like to see how you’re incorporating this in your workout regimen. Hit me up on @iris_fitgirl to share your improvement.

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