Join the innocent #PinkChallenge

Fit & Training door anna FG

In everyday life, us Fit Girls hold on to certain eating habits and workout routines. Just because it's easy or it might seem a bit scary to try out new things. That's why #FITGIRLCODE and innocent drinks challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and join the #PinkChallenge.

The Challenge

Pink? Say whut? Yeah, you heard it correct. From the 1st August onwards, we provide you with a entire month of recipes and workouts. No worries if you haven't start the challenge yet, you can still hop on the pink train. The aim of this challenge is to live healthy and active and try out new things together. So not to create a sixpack within 31 days!


Why pink? Life is just more fun if you look through rose-tinted glasses. When we think pink, we often think of candy, which is not particular good for your health. You might not believe it at first, but pink stuff can also be really healthy. The newest, super tasty smoothie of innocent, the 'Perfectly Pink', is a great example: 100% natural and no added sugars. Just fruit and veggies! A combination of beetroot juice with apples and pears. Doesn't that sound delicious? Since the pink makes everything look (and taste) pretty, this month's challenge is completely covered by this fantastic colour! Therefore the motto is: think pink, do pink and drink pink.


To make it as easy as possible we made you an entire food schedule. You don't need to live by this schedule. We made it to inspire you! As for the schedules, these are written in Dutch. Sorry for the non-Dutch Fit Girls!

Besides giving you guidelines on what to eat, we'll provide you with a different workout video each week. We did not just focus on strength training, but also on yoga and stretching.

Do you want to join the #PinkChallenge? Download your food schedule here. You can print it and stick it on your fridge so you'll know what to eat every day. It's as easy as that! Make sure to check out each Saturday to get a new workout video and update for that week!


Win Limited Edition #FITGIRLCODE top and Jogha Racerback Bra

Show us just how pink you really are and tag your photos with #PinkChallenge. The 4 pinkest pictures win a Limited Edition #FITGIRLCODE top and Jogha Racerback bra. What are you waiting for?!

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