Special discount at Body & Fit Shop!

Food & Recipes door thijs

I think y’all know by now that we are absolutely in love with Body & Fit Shop. That’s why we couldn’t hide this from you Fit Girls! We saw that Body & Fit Shop now has a special discount: 10% off on all products. Isn't this exciting!

You can get this discount if you enter the code BODYENFITFAN. The code is valid until tomorrow 12 o’clock! So go get you goodies! And just in case you don’t know what to make or buy, here are some of our favorite recipes and products from Body & Fit Shop.

1. Raw caramel slice snacks

One of my absolute favorites is the raw caramel slice snacks. If you have a sweet tooth you should definitely try to make these babies.

2. Power boost smoothie

This smoothie will definitely boost your mood. The best thing about this recipe is that it is easy to make and it tastes delicious.

3. Square lemon pistachio cookies

You can never have enough cookies, can't you? We had them at the office and everybody loved them. Plus, they're healthy as well.

4. Smart bar


We love smart bars. They are really nice the day after a hard work out. When you work out a lot you will need some more proteins. Working out will almost always result in more soreness. These bars will help to make your muscles less painful.

Go get your 10% discount at Body & Fit Shop by using BODYENFITFAN! Do you  have any favorite products from Body & Fit Shop? 

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