Test panel: Smart Protein Cookies of Body & Fit Shop

Food & Recipes door thijs

Great news for the cookiemonsters among us! Body & Fit has come up with some new, healthy cookies: Smart Protein Cookies. Yes, girls! You heard it right. This means we can indulge into our cookie cravings and not feel bad about it.

These Smart Protein Cookies contain exactly what we Fit Girls need: high-end protein, oats and healthy fibre. Baked in coconut oil, no added sugars and even sugar free. This is literally superfood in the shape of a delicious cookie. You can find them in 5 flavours: Original, Cacao Nibs, Coconut, Almonds and Apple Cinnamon. Our #FITGIRLCODE team has sacrificed themselves for you Fit Girls to find out which cookies taste the best ;) These are the results of our test panel:

Original: 7,5

Laura: Pretty good! Plain taste, tastes like coconut.

Joey: Tastes like regular cookies.

Vladana: These cookies are crunchy and tasty. I’m having another one!

Almonds: 8

Andrea: Very nice! It satisfies your cookie craving!

Joey: Has a fine and buttery taste. Creamy and crunchy at the same time!

Vladana: Absolutely love it!

Coconut: 7,5

Andrea: No specific taste. Doesn’t taste like coco, though.

Laura: Tastes almost the same as the original.

Joey: This cookie tastes how coco is supposed to taste like, I like it!

Cacao Nibs: 7

Andrea: Nice, but it’s not like a real chocolate chip cookie which I expected. Doesn’t taste as sweet.

Laura: Doesn’t exactly satisfy my chocolate craving but I know that these are way healthier. Would I choose these over chocolate? Hmm..

Vladana: I think I ate too much cookies..

Apple and Cinnamon: 9

Andrea: Like there’re little pieces of apple in them, tastes natural!

Laura: Tastes like there’re apple and cinnamon pieces in it. It’s nice and chewy. I would definitely buy this again.

Vladana: This is my favourite and I can’t get enough of it. They smell like apple and taste like apple. Do we have another bag of these?

These Smart Protein Cookies are a good alternative to regular cookies. Chewy, crunchy and a delicious taste. You can enjoy them at any other moment of the day. So, craving for a cookie? Go to the Body & Fit Shop and order them now! Just watch out not to finish them all at once as I did ;) 

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