Tips for a mess free life

Lifestyle & Tips door thijs

I personally don’t like to clean. I rather do something else with my time. What I also don’t like is a messy house. Therefore we’ve come up with some awesome tips to live a mess free life. By applying these tips you can clean your house (or room) in no time!

You’ll probably recognize this scenario. You have invited some people over but you didn’t really tidy or clean your house. So when they’re almost on your doorstep you decide you have to clean your house. How are you going to do this fast?

Fast cleaning tips

  • Stash clutter in a basket or a bin that you can stow out of view for sorting later
  • Repurpose empty spaces like a mug and use it to hold office supplies
  • Make sure your floor is clean, eliminate dirt that will stick to your guests socks
  • Clean your bathroom; close your shower curtain (now you can even hide stuff behind it) and swish a little bleach in the toilet bowl
  • Rub down surfaces
  • The living room; flip stained couch cushions and fluff your pillows. Light a scented candle for a nice atmosphere and coziness
  • Focus on the stuff at eye level; your guests won’t notice a little dust somewhere underneath
  • Eliminate pet hair

Tips to keep it clean and tidy
Tackle a small project everyday
We all know what it's like, you start tidying up your desk and 3 hours later there’s clutter everywhere. You feel defeated. How are you going to fix this? To prevent this from happening again, you can do one small project at the time. Tidy up the drawers one day and your desktop the next day. Step by step, there’s no rush.

Take your time
Like I wrote in the previous paragraph, there’s no rush. You didn’t collect all your stuff in one day so you don't have to organize everything in one day as well.

Put every object in one of the following categories

  1. Things you want to keep that can go back to the same place.
  2. Things you don’t want to keep, but that you do want to sell or give away.
  3. Things you want to keep, but have to go to another spot.
  4. Things that are worthless, that you don’t want but you’re going to recycle.

Don’t try to make a model home
Your house doesn’t have to look perfect. Just try to keep it simple and don’t have too much trumpery around. Also try to give useful things you don’t need to charity or sell them.

Make sure you don’t buy more new stuff than you throw away
The deal with cleaning and tidying up is of course to have a nice neat home. So if you keep buying more stuff it will never be or look organized and neat. Keep superfluous stuff out of your house.

Hopefully these tips to clean will help you to get more organized. I might need to apply my own tips too right now ;-). Good luck!



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