Working out at home with YouTube: Ily's & Iris's favorites #1

Fit & Training door thijs

Hi y'all, welcome to our new series: Working out at home with YouTube: Ily's & Iris's  favorites. It is no secret that we are absolutely in love with working out anywhere we can. We work out at the gym but also do some serious damage working out at home by doing YouTube exercise video's. Keep reading for our favorites. This is edition numero 1 and from now on we'll share three of our favorite video's and some handy tips, with you two weekly right here on #FITGIRLCODE. 

First things first
Before you start working out at home, doing,  any video whatsoever make sure you scan them beforehand so you know what you are in for. It can be pretty annoying when you are halfway done and suddenly need dumbbells, a yogamat, a bosu, or a kettlebell when those things arent within hands reach. Scanning also helps to determine if you actually 'like' the way a particular video has been set up. For example, we absolutely #hate slow eddited video's, easy-cookie-cutter ones and the kind where the instructor talks way too much. We like our vids rather up tempo,  and right on the money.

Lets talk #LEGS
Aranka & Alicia Sofia recently were starring in this fab vid that definitely made its way into our playlist. In addition to that (consider that one as a sneaky bonus :-)) we just promised you three of our personal favorites. The video's in this edition of our favorites all target the legs and will assist you working on your 'ass-ets', so #Leggooo.

1. Six Pack Shortcuts: Lower Body Shred Workout with Mike Chang
Hate him or love him but we do love us some Mike Chang. NO we don't believe in shortcuts when it comes to fitness but we've executed this workout a gazillion times and we think it will be beneficial to working out your legs and perhaps have you coming back for more. Mike provides just enough directions in between excersizes and the fact he promises you nice legs and a nice looking behind while looking not bad himself is also very stimulating :-)
Duration: +/- 15 minutes

2. Cardio Intenso 30 minutos para adelgazar rapido by Patry Jordan
Cardio. We can beat around the bush about it but some cardio never hurt anybody. We believe in moderation and Patry Jordan is
absolutely your girl for that. In this video she is letting you work your legs like its nobody’s business. Patry works with a timer, so you know you will have to do every excersize for the same amount of time. We absolutely love her enthousiasm and with the way she lets us know this is the ultimo repetition and how she counts from ocho to uno, we just want to keep going everytime.
Duration: +/- 30 minutes

3. Brazilian Booty Burn Workout : Burn to the Beat - Keaira LaShae
Did we here someone say superhero? Must be Keaira LaShae. In this workout Keaira makes you work that behind. The live music,  her fellow workout mates and her enthousiasm take you through the excersises in a heartbeat. We love the way she integrates dance moves in her routines and how she just makes the workout feel like a party in our own living room. Be ware: this one can become addictive :-)
Duration: +/- 15 minutes

Bonus for our #BOSSES
Jeanette Jenkins Bikini Bootcamp
For all our #barbellbosses and #barbellbarbies who want to have a full - body workout in the back of their pocket, which can of course be combined with vids we've previously mentioned, this is the one.
Jeanette is a #BEAST, she is dropdead gorgeous, if you ask us, and this vid absolutely proves why Kelly Rowland,  Pink and many others turn to her for Personal Training advise. This workout is an hour long and combines cardio and strenght. If you only want to do the strenght part, feel free to skip the cardio camps and work that body and especially dem legs right!
Duration: +/- 60 minutes

We hope you find the sharing of our favorites handy. We'd love to hear in the comments how you've experienced doing the video's and which musclegroup you'd like our next favorites to target. In the mean time hit us up on @ily_fitgirl / @ iris_fitgirl  or /

Holla back,


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