Me vs Running: Part 2

Fit & Training door thijs

So. Well. Exactly one month ago I wrote Me vs Running; I committed myself to run 6 times in March. I wanted to prepare my body for the 10km races I will do in May and June, as running is quite injury-sensitive. Things went a little different.

On March 4, I did my first and last run in March. Argh. I wanted to test myself and set a time for a 10km so that in two months I could see improvement. It was a very windy day, I was really pushing myself to go faster even though the wind almost blew me away.

After 7km, I felt some tweaking on the inside of my knee. Stubborn as I am, I didn’t stop but just pushed through. As soon as my Nike+ app told me that I had completed 10km, I switched to ‘walking’. Because actually it was more stumbling. I hopped home on one leg, thinking ah well, it would be fine. But the pain just got worse and the next day I could barely walk, I really had to drag my leg. While clenching my jaw.

I could just punch myself - I still can. It's so stupid; I want to start running more regularly so my body gets used to it and then I go way overboard. And now I'm one month closer to the races, but with an injury. Right now the pain is almost gone. As soon as I've been completely pain free for a couple of days, I will try an easy jog - but I will stop as soon as I notice any unease.

It is so, so important to listen to your body. Guys, with all those races coming up; don't overdo it. Because it will only set you back in the long run.

Will keep you posted!

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