I love pasta! It's the perfect meal for lunch or diner! A pastasalad is fresh with all the ingredients that you need after a good workout! Another benefit: pastasalads are super easy to meal prep and to take with you on your next work or schoolday.
3 delicious pasta salads!

From the Vegetarian Fitgirlcode Guide
- 70 grams of whole-weat pasta
- 1/2 avocado
- 150 grams of zucchini
- 40 grams of arugula
- 1 tomato
- 1 garlic clove
- 30 grams of dairy spread
- 15 grams of pine nuts
- pepper and salt
Method of preperation
- Cook the pasta for 8-10 minutes.
- Cut the avocado, zucchini, tomato and garlic to the desired size.
- Heat some baking spray in a pan and fry the zucchini and garlic in it. When the zucchini starts to cook, the tomato may also be added. Also add the pepper and salt and possibly some other herbs.
- Heat the pine nuts in another pan, without baking spray or coconut oil.
- When the pasta is ready, it can be added to the pan with zucchini, garlic and tomato, together with the dairy spread and avocado.
- Wait until the dairy spread has melted and make sure everything is well mixed.
- Put the contents of the pan on a plate and divide the arugula and pine nuts over it!
From the Vegetarian Fitgirlcode Guide
- 60 grams of whole-weat pasta
- 1 tomato
- 1 onion
- 100 grams of broccoli
- 30 grams of dairy spread
- 70 grams of avocado
- 2 tsp paprika powder
- pepper and salt
- optional: pine nuts
Method of preperation
- Cook the pasta in 8-10 minutes.
- Cut the tomato, onion and avocado in desired size.
- Heat some baking spray in a pan. Bake the onion, when the pasta and broccoli are as good as done.
- Add the tomato, avocado and paprika powder a little later. Wait until these are warm and then put all the other ingredients in the pan, including the pasta and broccoli. Leave the pan on a low heat for a short while.
From the Vegetarian Fitgirlcode Guide
- 120 grams of whole-weat pasta
- 100 grams of feta
- 2 tomatoes
- 120 grams of olives
- 1 paprika
- 2 spring onions
- 2 tsp green pesto
- 60 grams of dairy spread
- pepper and salt
- parsley
Method of preperation
- Cook the pasta in 8 - 10 minutes.
- Cut the feta, tomato, olives, paprika and spring onion in desired size.
- When the pasta is ready, let it cool off a little and then mix it with all the ingredients.
- Put half of the pasta salad in a container after it has cooled. Keep it in the fridge (for your lunch tomorrow).
- You put the other half on a plate.
Which one are you going to try? These pasta salads are super healthy and very easy to make! Enjoy your pasta girls!
All the photos are made by @storiesbysuus.