Healthy pancakes

Food & Recipes door lisa FG

The pancake is a typical Dutch dish. A delicious pancake with bacon, syrup or my beloved friend Nutella, wrap it up and enjoy! Because of the spread, white flour, full milk and the egg yokes the calories are adding up quickly. Not particularly a healthy meal. Do you still feel like eating something sweet that isn’t too bad for your health? Than these buckwheat pancakes are the ultimate solution!

To keep this recipe skinny, we’ll only use the egg whites and we’ll use buckwheat flour instead of white flour. Buckwheat is gluten-free and gives you a satiated feeling. It improves the immune system and improves the functioning of the muscles. Use fresh or frozen fruits instead of the bacon, cheese, syrup or sugar. Success guaranteed!

What you need for 1 person:

- 40 gram of buckwheat flour
- 2 egg whites
- 100 ml water
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- pinch of salt
- 50 gram of blackberries, blueberries or raspberries

How to make it:

- Mix all the ingredients (apart from the fruit) in one bowl.Leave it to rest for about 5 minutes.
- Heat up a pan with olive oil or coconut butter and make sure the pan is really, really hot.
- Pour the mix slowly in the pan and lower the fire. Bake the pancake on each side for approximately 3 minutes.
- Optionally: mix and squeeze the fruit in order for it to become a little bit like a jam/marmalade.

See you next week! 

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