Recipe: Healthy pitas with falafel

Food & Recipes door thijs

This week my obsession for pita bread has been taking over. Pita is a treasure from the Middle East that has concurred every foodie's heart. I love pita bread so much since it fills you up quite quickly and there are so many recipes you can make with it. And no, I am not talking about making big ass kebabs (even though they do have the word ‘abs’ in them), because they will not strengthen your Fit Girl habits. I am talking about healthy pita recipes that will keep the calorie count relatively low, fill you up, AND taste delish. Here is Fitgirlcode’s favourite pita recipe:

Falafel and pita

Interested in eating vegan? The first step to eating vegan is discovering the lovely wonders of falafel. Falafel is a deep fried ball most often made from chickpeas, and is nowadays the world’s known meat replacement. Even though you can just eat them as a snack, since they taste amazing on their own as well, I prefer to make them with pita. In our Fitgirlcode Guide we describe the recipe in full with the ingredients being pita, falafel, lettuce, tomato, cream cheese light, and low-fat yoghurt. As usual, you just stuff the ingredients in the pita pocket and there you go! Your very own vegan lunch break. ?

From burgers, to pizza, to veganism, pita is the underdog of foods and will take over your world as you begin to realize its magic. Pita, a long-lasting ingredient that can also simply be eaten as a snack with some hummus? We need more!


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