Nike Training Club - Get Toned Review
Alright! So, with my recent stress fracture injury, I had to look to other modes of exercise. As a runner, it's often hard to face an injury, and we try to push past it. My advice: DON'T. You'll end up hurting yourself worse, and being out for several weeks (for me, it was about 5, but I still have some lingering pain). Back to the point--instead of running, I completed the Nike Training Club 4-week Get Toned program.
I loved it! The first week was tough. Shifting from a mainly cardio to a mainly strength training regimen was harder than expected. I had to modify the workouts slightly so that they were lower impact and not further injuring my foot (regular squats instead of squat jumps, etc.) The first thing I noticed was how weak my upper body is! Arms especially. Boooooo. Still, it was super fun and challenging.
The program consisted of four workouts a week, one of which was a yoga practice to rejuvenate. The other workouts were either 30 or 45 minutes long and targeted all body areas: arms, chest, back, core, and legs. These workouts are amazing on their own, but also super easy to supplement with a little bit of cardio or extra ab work.
After completing the program, I feel much stronger. My legs feel incredible, which helped me immensely as I eased back into running, my arms have definitely gotten stronger (although there's still room for improvement), and I'm on my way to a six pack.
I wish I could have done the program including the running portion, but stress fractures are nothing to mess with. Maybe next month I'll try another program with the running :)