The Nike+ Fuelband SE

Fit & Training door wpmasters

The new Nike+ Fuelband SE is available in the Netherlands since today, and #FITGIRLCODE will be testing these awesome babies! The Nike+ Fuelband gives you insight into your daily activities and the effects of them. I have only been wearing one for a couple of hours now, and I am absolutely in love with it! 

The Nike+ Fuelband measures all your daily activities, from walking to running to dancing at your favorite club - name it and it is measured. And it does not only track how much you move, but also the intensity of it and how often you do it. You can even set a reminder that if you sit still for a while, your Nike+ fuelband will remind you to move again! It is like having your BFFF sitting next to you, encouraging you to stay fit and cheering you on when you engage in an activity. When I started hysterically dancing around to test it, it displayed "GO SHELLEY" - how awesome is that?!

You can connect your Nike+ fuelband with your computer and your smartphone, keeping you up to date about your progress and activities. Your fuelband itself displays your Nike fuelpoints, hours won in a day, burned calories, steps taken and the time of the day. You can set a goal regarding your fuelpoints and your new BFFF will display how far along you are in reaching your goal.

#FITGIRLCODE will be testing out this cool gadget over the coming weeks, so we'll let you know whether it is a good addition to your work out experience. My friends are probably going to be driven completely insane by me shouting how many fuelpoints I have every 5 minutes, but ah well, a (Fit) Girl has got to make sacrifices. ;)

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