Food & Recipes door thijs

Every once in a while, a girl has the right to have a cheat day. I have the perfect recipe for you on this cheat day and it is mega delicious. I am gonna teach you how to make crunchy chocolate caramel cupcake cookies (due to a lack of a proper name, I have named it like this). Sounds awfully good doesn’t it? It’s very easy to make and it’s done in no time!

So what are the ingredients (for 12 delicious crunchy chocolate caramel cupcake cookies)?

- 200 gr of Mars bars

- 2 ½ cups of corn flakes

- 50 gr unsalted butter

- 12 cupcake baking cups

Whaaaat?! Are this the only ingredients? Yes, they are. Now, well, let’s move on to the HOW question.

How to make these mouth watering crunchies?

First, pre-heat the cooking pot and melt the butter. After this, cut the mars bars in small pieces. When you are done with this and when the butter is melted, put these pieces in the cooking pot as well. Wait until they have melted. Hereafter, take your cornflakes and put them in the cooking pot. Stir the cornflakes into the melted Mars bars and butter until they are mixed properly. Set-up the 12 cupcake baking cups and put the food into the cups. After this, put the cups in the fridge for 30 minutes and you’re done!

Are you going to try this at home?


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