10 point checklist to start your own fit journey PART 1

Fit & Training door thijs

When I got started with my own fit journey, I had to figure out everything by myself. I didn’t mind though, I’m kind of a stubborn person and I enjoy a nice challenge. I’ve always exercised, but just for fun and whenever I felt like it. Not to become skinier but fitter, healthier (and sexier haha). Yes, exercising has been a confidence booster for me and it can be for you too. So start today! All you have to do is follow my lead and get your own fit journey going with PART 1 of this 10 point checklist I’ve created.

10 point checklist to start your own fit journey PART 1

  1. Set goals

When I started my own fit journey, I had to figure out why I wanted to exercise. Therefore first on our checklist is figuring out why YOU want to exercise. Are you just trying to become fit? Or are you trying to lose some weight? Or maybe you’re just looking for a way to relieve yourself from stress and you want to live a healthier lifestyle.

When I first started, I was already exercising for fun but because I didn’t set any goals, nothing really changed. I had ideas of what I wanted to see differently but nothing too specific, so it was necessary to set some goals. I decided I wanted to lose a kilo or two and get into better shape. When you set your goals, it’s important that you keep them simple so they’ll stay achievable.

  1. Decide how you’ll be achieving your goals

I’m a busy person so I decided to pick something that I could easily manage to fit into my chaotic lifestyle. I chose running because I figured I would be good at it (I have been a long distance skater all my life). If you want to stay motivated, it’s important that you pick something you’ll like. So try to find something that suits you.

If you have trouble finding something that suits you, experiment a little bit. Take some trail lessons, do some research online, watch some Youtube videos, read some blogs on fitgirlcode.com; get inspired! Sooner or later you’ll stumble upon something that seems interesting enough to begin your fit journey with.

  1. Plan it; work some structure into your life

This doesn’t have to be an essay with loads of rules. Just try to plan when you’re working out. The more structure you have in your exercising schedule, the easier it becomes to maintain it. However if you’re like me and you work very irregularly, it can be a challenging. I love a good challenge though. Just make sure you at least stick to the days you plan to work out on.

  1. Download an app

There are tons of good apps that can guide you and make it easier to start your own fit journey. Fitgirl Lisanne made a ‘Top 5 of the most awesome health apps’. I used the app Runkeeper in the beginning for their amazing training schedules. Pretty soon, I was planning my own schedules and just using it to log my activities.

  1. Get yourself an outfit

This is the most exciting part haha! When you decide on how you’ll be exercising, it’s time to shop for an outfit. Unfortunately, most sports outfits can be a little boring and dull. This absolutely won’t work for me because I think it’s important that what I wear looks good and feels comfy. It’s something I’m willing to invest in. I bought my awesome sports outfit in Fitgirlcode’s webshop. They have amazing sweaters, tops and tights with slick lines and very awesome prints. All very pretty, I love it! Click here to start (window) shopping! Yay!

This was PART 1 of the 10 point checklist to start your own fit journey. Next week I'll discuss PART 2 of this checklist. Let me know how the setting of your goals and the planning goes by leaving a comment or sending an mail to fitgirlsafira@gmail.com :)


Safira Audrey

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