30 Days Squat Challenge

Fit & Training door wpmasters

A friend of mine sent me a screenshot showing her progress in the app ’30 days squat challenge’. I immediately got curious: squat challenge? I like a challenge! One that makes me do squats, which I always intend to do more but never actually do, is one I especially like. At least, that’s what I thought.

Yeah, it all sounds fun and games in theory. What woman doesn’t want breath-taking legs and an awesome butt? Now 4 days into the squat challenge, I can barely walk anymore. The muscles in my leg are aching intensely and everytime I get out of my chair they are begging me not to. I just tried walking to the bathroom and I went through a real-life nightmare for those 15 meters. Fires of the deepest and darkest corners of hell started burning in my legs and I could swear Satan himself was standing there laughing at his genius work.

Ok, I might be somewhat exaggerating, but seriously, this challenge is a heavy one. You start your first day with 25 squats, which makes you think “Ah, that wasn’t so bad!”. The second day the amount has doubled. 50 squats for you, my friend. When you drag yourself out of bed on the third day, you notice that those squats are taking quite the toll on your muscles and you are hoping that today is a rest day (which of course, the third day is not). The 30 days squat challenge is merciless: 75 squats today. I almost cried doing those while being hungover from a party the night before and with legs that couldn’t even bear to climb stairs. I would have done a victory lap when I painstakingly finished the 75th squat, but I think you can imagine by now that that was not even close to possible. At some point this has to get easier, right?

I’m challenging you to join me!

Although it really is a challenge, I’d recommend it to many people. You can download it for free on the iPhone and iPad (I don’t know about Android) and see for yourself. I’ll definitely complete it; I am too curious whether this will actually work, whether you will see some results after 30 days. Maybe the size and shape of your legs and butt won’t change in a mere 30 days, but at least you will have to notice that the squats are getting way easier to do. I’ll let you know how it works out! In the meantime, I am challenging you to join me. Don’t let me suffer all alone! Let’s get that perfectly shaped booty and those nice slim legs together.

And then tell me, how are you getting through the 30 days squat challenge?

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