New #FITGIRLCODE Sweaters available now

Lifestyle & Tips door thijs

It might be summer but that doesn't mean you won't need a sweater to throw on in the cool mid summer nights. So, we have added even more new #FITGIRLCODE Sweaters with fresh quotes to our webshop!  As always, these sweaters will let you express your state of mind with our cheeky quotes and do just the trick to keep you cosy!

Big butts 

The only thing better than having a big heart, is having a big butt. Let's be honest, we don't do all of those squats just for fun, so show some love for your curves and that special someone in this sweater. Wear it proud and say it loud Fit Girls!

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Although Fit Girls need rest days too it's sometimes pretty hard to resist the call of the gym, especially when that other stuff you need to do is boring and won't get you closer to having an awesome booty! This is the sweater to wear in your free time to make it clear, even when your relaxing and getting your sh*t done, there's nowhere else you would rather be!


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We have our favourites here at the #FITGIRLCODE HQ, but tell us which sweater you prefer! Do you have any suggestions for some awesome quotes that you would love to see in your #FITGIRLCODE wardrobe? Email us at or write it in the comments below!

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