Fit skin: Peach and brown sugar facial scrub

Lifestyle & Tips door thijs

When you lead a healthy lifestyle, it not only shows through your body. Your hair, nails and skin also improve a lot from eating right and drinking lots of water (something I personally have a lot of trouble with). Having healthy, radiant skin is sooo important to me. If your skin looks healthy it reflects that you are also healthy on the inside. But, you can always give it a little boost from the outside, by using a facial mask or scrub.

By scrubbing your skin regularly, you remove dead skin cells. These dead skin cells make your skin look dull, so it's good to get rid of them every once in a while. Depending on your skin type you should scrub once every week/two weeks. If you have oily skin, you might want to stick to once a week. Otherwise once every two weeks is fine. Here's the recipe for a peach and brown sugar facial scrub, that will leave your skin feeling smooth and looking radiant again.


  • One ripe peach
  • 1/2 tbsp oil (coconut, almond or olive oil)
  • 1/2 tbsp raw organic honey (warm it a little in the microwave so it gets runny)
  • 1-2 tbsp brown sugar (you can use more or less depending on your own preference)


Puree the peach in a blender or foodprocessor. You can add a little water if needed, to get it nice and smooth. Put the peach puree into a bowl and mix in the oil, honey and brown sugar.


Take the mixture onto your fingertips and apply on your face and neck in circular motions. Remember that your goal is to exfoliate the dead skin, so if you feel you need to add some more brown sugar, go for it!

Let the scrub sit on your face for about 5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and/or a warm washcloth. And voilà! Your skin is ready to shine like never before! (P.S. don't forget to moisturize afterwards!)

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