The only sun burn hacks you need to know this summer

Lifestyle & Tips door thijs

Summer has finallyyyy arrived! I noticed that I started getting a tan a few days ago and I couldn't be happier! I think I can speak for most of us when I say it feels like I've been waiting forever for better weather.. But before you pull out your shorts, tank tops, sundresses and shades, be sure to do everything in your power to avoid getting burnt. Here are the essential sun burn hacks to prevent you from getting burnt and also the tips on how to take care of it if it ever happens!

Preventing Sunburn

  • Sunscreen

I know, I know, this one may seem pretty obvious, but you won't be able to guess just how many people actually forget their sun screen during summer. When you're choosing your sunscreen, go for SPF 15 or higher and ones that have the ingredients ecamsule, avobenzone,oxybenzone, titanium dioxide, sulisobenzone, or zinc oxide. These ingredients contribute to blocking out the UVA rays.

  • Eat your greens

Via: LaTour

A large amount of antioxidants can be found in plants. You also find this in sunscreen. Coincidence? I think not! Antioxidants work to boost our body's natural defense against harmful rays. Fresh herbs like parsley, basil, sage, and rosemary are filled with the stuff. Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and kale are also good sources of antioxidants. By eating the foods that are high in antioxidants, we get just a bit better at avoiding that sun burn!

  • Take in more Vitamin D

When you get enough Vitamin D, when you tan for example, your body starts to produce melanin to act as a sort of protective layer against further exposure. This protective shield is what you'll want to help protect you against sun burn. Take Vitamin D supplements so that your body starts producing Melanin faster so that you can spend more time in the sun without worrying about sunburn.

Treating it fast

  • Aloe Vera ice cubes

Via: Barefoot Wine

This is a great herbal remedy for when you get sun burn. Think ahead, and take pure Aloe Vera and freeze it overnight in your ice tray. Then, all you have to do when you get sun burnt, is pull out a cube and rub it on your burns. The Aloe Vera alone will help to heal your skin, while the icy coolness will give you immediate relief!

  • Soak a towel in apple cider vinegar

Some people seriously swear by the use of vinegar to treat sunburns, so I had to include in in this list of sun burn hacks. I can't tell you how, or why, but only that it works to help to heal your skin and inflamed tissue, and prevent your skin from peeling even more. Wet  a wash cloth with cold water and  then splash some apple cider vinegar to it. Apply the cloth to your sun burned skin and let the magic happen.

  • Use natural yogurt

via: tandoor food

Natural yogurt contains a huge amount of enzymes and probiotics that work to help heal your skin. So once you suffer from sun burn, applying natural yogurt to the spots will help you to recover. Let the yogurt sit on your skin for about 5 minutes until you start to feel relief, and then wash it off with cool water.

Use these sun burn hacks and you'll be set for summer! Do you have any other tips you want to share? Let me know in the comments section! :)  

Sources: Everyday RootsAscend DermatologyGreatistExaminerWellness Mama

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